Here’s why the Legislature’s moderate Democrats see the ‘Mod Squad’ growing on election day

[Source: The Los Angeles Times] Late last year, after a group of self-described moderate Democrats successfully watered down a landmark climate change bill pushed by Gov. Jerry Brown and fiercely opposed by the oil lobby, a flurry of headlines trumpeted the rise of the so-called Mod Squad in Sacramento. But 2016 has not been as kind to Read More…

Is shipping the next financial crisis?

[Source: Port Technology] The Hanjin Shipping collapse rocked the shipping industry; the seventh largest shipping company operating at the time filing for receivership and leaving its vessels abandoned across the globe was potentially a warning sign for things to come for other industry actors. It was reported by Port Technology that Hanjin Shipping was having Read More…

Fading college dream saps U.S. economy of productivity miracle

[Source: Bloomberg News] For decades, a growing pool of college graduates poured into the U.S. labor market, boosting productivity and shaping America’s status as the world’s dominant economic power. That driver of growth is diminishing. Enrollment has declined every year since peaking in 2011, according to the Census Bureau and the National Student Clearinghouse Research Read More…

Poor at 20, poor for life

[Source: The Atlantic] A new study indicates that from the 1980s to the 2000s, it became less likely that a worker could move up the income ladder. It’s not an exaggeration: It really is getting harder to move up in America. Those who make very little money in their first jobs will probably still be Read More…

Los Angeles continues to lose manufacturing jobs

[Source: Los Angeles Business Journal] Los Angeles continues to face decline in high-paying manufacturing jobs as workers flee the city, according to a recent report. The city has shed 20 percent of its manufacturing positions since 2007, a 2016 economic forecast released by the A. Gary Anderson Center for Economic Research at Chapman University said. Read More…