Union members don’t oppose environmental protections

[Source: In These Times] Union workers attacking environmentalists—it has become a trope of our time. But what do union members actually think about the environment? In a study soon to be published in Labor Studies Journal, we report our findings on workers’ attitudes and behaviors regarding a variety of environmental issues. In particular, we examine Read More…

The cumulative cost of regulations

[Source: Mercatus Center- George Mason University] The impact of regulation on economic growth has been widely studied, but most research has focused on a narrow set of regulations, industries, or both. These studies typically rely on regulatory indexes that measure subsets of all regulation, on country-to-country comparisons, on short time spans, or on surveys in Read More…

Can fresh air blow away the case against Obama’s climate policy?

[Source: Bloomberg] The U.S. has already broken the link between emissions and economic growth. Any regulation proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency follows a decades-long pattern. The activists squabble with the industrialists, pitting questions of business health against questions of public health. The squabbling plays out in newspapers and private lobbying meetings while the rules are drafted, and then it continues in court until Read More…

U.S. states where recession is a reality

[Source: Bloomberg Business] Dale Oxley doesn’t need to hear about rising odds of a U.S. recession to dread the future. For the West Virginia homebuilder, the downturn has already arrived. “Everyone is going to have to tighten their belts,” said Oxley, the 48-year-old owner of a Charleston-area construction company. “The next couple of years are Read More…