[Source: Fox & Hounds] With the enactment of new climate change regulation through 2030, California leaders are closing ranks to make the economic and business case for more mandates. The new requirement will reduce total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 40 percent below 2020 emissions. On a per capita basis, that’s a reduction of one-half Read More…
Category: California News
Democrats again gunning for legislative supermajorities
[Source: Sacramento Bee] With California’s legislative session finally behind us, attention turns to the fall elections, where Republicans are largely crouched in a defensive position and Democrats are looking to expand the electoral map. The end of session has traditionally marked the time when staff members hit the phones and fan out across the state Read More…
California governor looks to extend climate-change efforts
[Source: Associated Press] California Gov. Jerry Brown has launched a campaign to extend some of the most ambitious climate-change programs in the country and ensure his environmental legacy when he leaves office in two years. The centerpiece of the push is a cap-and-trade program that aims to reduce the use of fossil fuels by forcing Read More…
State’s progress toward 1.5 million ZEVs by 2025
[Source: California Center for Jobs & the Economy] As part of the AB 32 climate change program, Executive Order B-16-2012 administratively created a goal of 1.5 million zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) on California roads by 2025, with a sub-goal that their market share is expanding at that point. The order also established interim mileposts primarily related Read More…
California’s trade dominance at risk
[Source: Logistics Management] While California has long been a vital leader creating trade and transportation trends, the state is becoming stymied by a variety of problems it can’t seem to solve. Southern California’s infamous highway gridlock, for example, not only torments the region’s logistics managers, but it may also be detrimental to regional job growth. Read More…
Don’t let 5% unemployment fool you about California’s economic health
[Source: Real Clear Markets] “It’s the economy, stupid,” – now an iconic political statement, in many ways sums up decades of political science research showing that voters care about the current state and prospects of their pocketbooks. Of course, local, state, national, and even occasionally, international issues flare up and matter, but on a whole, Read More…
The head of California’s ISO is on a mission to regionalize and decarbonize
[Source: Utility Dive] California’s system operator is moving ahead with its plans to organize 38 independent power providing systems into a western region grid and market. Nobody is more passionate about this history-making plan than California Independent System Operator (CAISO) President and CEO Steve Berberich. Just-released preliminary assessments of the regionalization plan to integrate the separate balancing authority areas (BAAs) Read More…
California’s cap-and-trade carbon emission system may be failing
[Source: Sacramento Bee] California’s much-vaunted cap-and-trade system of reducing greenhouse gas emissions may be collapsing. This month’s quarterly auction of carbon dioxide emission allowances, which was supposed to generate more than a half-billion dollars for politicians to spend, brought in a paltry $10 million as the Air Resources Board sold a tiny fraction of the Read More…
Survey: California still worst state for business
[Source: Orange County Register] In what is sounding like a broken record, California once again ranked dead last in Chief Executive magazine’s annual Best and Worst States for Business survey of CEOs – as it has all 12 years the survey has been conducted. Texas, meanwhile, earned the top spot for the 12th straight year. Read More…