California Senate leader unveils new proposal to phase out use of fossil fuels to generate electricity

[Source: Los Angeles Times] California would completely phase out the use of fossil fuels to generate electricity under a new proposal detailed by Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles) on Tuesday. Meeting the goal would require dramatic changes to the state’s electricity infrastructure over the next two decades, including an end to burning natural Read More…

Don’t tax family businesses out of California

[Source: Fox & Hounds] Family businesses are the bedrock of our communities and the economy. A recent study showed that the state’s 1.4 million family businesses employ 7 million people. Family businesses tend to pay their employees better, train them better, and provide more generous benefits than non-family companies. We’re also less likely to significantly Read More…

Metal finishers among toxin target opponents

[Source: Los Angeles Business Journal] MANUFACTURING: Call for increased facility supervision may yield speedier closures. Manufacturers and metal finishers are concerned about a planned crackdown on toxic emissions by the South Coast Air Quality Management District. The crackdown, announced at the April 7 meeting of the district’s governing board, was prompted by recent discoveries of Read More…